Surgical Oncology

Surgical oncology is a branch of surgery that deals with diagnosis and treatment of malignant (cancerous) tumors. Surgical oncologists can also be referred to as cancer surgeons, who specialize in surgical treatment of cancerous tissue. The word surgical is used to distinguish between medical oncologists, who work primarily with the use of chemotherapy and radiation therapy, and radiotherapists.

What is the goal of oncosurgery or surgical oncology?

The goal of surgical oncology is to provide cancer patients with the best cancer care possible. In order to do this, they will be able to diagnose a patient’s condition, as well as treat it. They also work closely with other healthcare professionals in order to make sure that the patient’s condition is managed thoroughly and that they are monitored after surgery.

Surgical oncology is the branch of medicine that deals with cancerous tumors in general, including their diagnosis, treatment and prevention.

  • Diagnose cancer (diagnostic surgery or biopsy)
  • It includes the surgical removal of tumors when possible, with a strong emphasis on individualized and precise excision to maximize the chance for cure.
  • Remove body tissue that may become cancerous (preventive surgery)

Why Avise hospital for onco surgery?

Avise Hospital is one of the best hospitals in Gurugram, Haryana which has doctors and surgeons who specialize in cancer treatment. The hospital has a cancer centre to cater high-quality care.

An oncologist is a medical doctor who specializes in diagnosing, treating and managing various types of cancer. It's an intensive care unit that specializes in cancer treatment. Doctors give chemotherapy to patients and their families while they are there in order to help eradicate the cancer from the body. Chemotherapy can be given through an IV line or a catheter that's put into either a vein or artery near where the tumor is located. Some patients may also receive other treatments such as radiation therapy, thus this unit is set up with equipment for those treatments too.

The hospital offers medical services such as onco surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy and immunotherapy for cancer patients. The onco surgery deals with cancer related surgeries so that the patient can get a better quality of life.

The surgeries we are performing at AVISE Hospital

  • Head & Neck Oncology Services (2 Units)
  • Breast Oncology Services
  • GI and Liver Transplant Oncology Services
  • Uro Oncology Services
  • Gynae Oncology Services
  • Thoracic Oncology Services
  • Neuro Oncology Services
  • Reconstructive Services
  • Orthopedic Oncology Services
  • Pediatric Surgical Oncology Services

Why choose India for cancer treatment?

India is known for World-class cancer treatment with the most advanced technology. Experienced and highly skilled cancer specialists, affordable cancer treatment, excellent patient care, easy flight connectivity, no language barrier and no waiting time make India a preferred destination for Cancer Treatment attracting patients from various countries around the world.